I agree that during the “DARSHAN 9 NOVEMBER 2024”, organised by Fondazione BhaktiMarga,
- Via Campana 3 – 02040 Tarano (RI), photos and/or videos may be taken of me as a participant, for the purpose of streaming/music on-demand/video-on-demand and livestreaming (live streaming) on Bhakti Marga's website or Bhakti Marga's Facebook page, on Bhakti Marga's Flickr, on Bhakti Marga's Instagram, or on Bhakti Marga's YouTube channel such as (@ParamahamsaVishwananda108) or on other internet-based networks, platforms or mobile applications. Content may be used and saved for this purpose. This will make my sensitive data of religious or ideological conviction recognisable. For these recordings, in addition to us, Bhakti Event GmbH https://www.bhaktimarga.org/privacy is a data controller; in this sense we are joint data controllers within the meaning of Art. 26 GDPR. 26 GDPR. The content will also be livestreamed on YouTube. YouTube is an American company and, like all American companies that analyse user behaviour, there is a risk that we do not know exactly how your data is analysed and cannot influence this. I know that I can withdraw my consent at any time with future effect. I can exercise my right of withdrawal vis-à-vis the Fondazione BhaktiMarga via the following email: fondazionebhaktimarga@gmail.com. For further information please see the link to our
Privacy Policy .